Night souls on zebra crossing

    Art Description Title: Night souls on zebra crossing - from The black dance of the night series. Photography: Color, digital, combining digital painting and photography. Description: The images of 'The black dance of the night series' suggests a low...

Dark tunnels of the night

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

Without seat belts

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

The dancer

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

In the backstages

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

The blessing

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

Waiting for the boyfriends

  ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

Within the night dream

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

Energy flows on sidewalks

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

Hurried to catch the subway

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at:

Low flying over the night

ART DESCRIPTION Title: Medium: Photography – Digital Painting & Textures Description: Size: 5400 x 3600 px Keywords: Author: Marco Antonio Pajola See or buy the image at: